
May 20


Crunches for your mind

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Have you ever devoted specific time in your workout program for mindfulness exercises? Everyone wants a six-pack. People ask me all the time about various exercises and is this variation better or that. How many sets, how many reps, etc. But have you ever devoted the same energy towards being present?


What's on your mind right now? How many things are you juggling in your brain? Perhaps planning that important work project. Or what's for dinner tomorrow night. What bills are due this week and is the money in the right account?

Our brains are wired to process information, from multiple sources. Sometimes though, this can make us stressed as we find it difficult just to switch off. And that's where mindfulness comes in.

Being mindful isn't something fancy, or new-age or the latest hipster fad. It's simply about being present. Just like any aspect of your fitness, you have to put some effort into mindfulness exercises too.

Instead of focussing on yesterday, or tomorrow, or on what's troubling us, mindfulness is about concentrating on the here and now. You can perform mindfulness exercises daily, or only a few times a week. They can be introduced to your schedule to enhance the benefits of your fitness program.

You might like to include them on your rest days, as a way of remaining in touch with your health and fitness goals.

Benefits of mindfulness exercises

Those who perform mindfulness exercises might notice a range of benefits:

  • Reduced feelings of stress and anxiety
  • Increased recovery from illness and chronic conditions
  • Improved motivation for our goals
  • Better sleep and overall physical health

Mindfulness exercises can involve a range of methods and activities. If you embrace technology, you might like an app where you can carry the benefits right with you on your phone.

One I'd recommend would be Smiling Mind. It's free and has been developed by the Australian mental healthy organisation Beyond Blue.

​Smiling Mind app by â€‹Beyond Blue

​Free, no ads and backed by science. Take a range of mindfulness exercises with you wherever you go

​Alternatively, if you'd rather a more traditional approach, check out my other articles in this series. They might help you expand your knowledge and confidence more. Mindful breathing is perhaps the easiest and most 'beginner-friendly' way to become more mindful. There's nothing complicated to it and you don't have to devote a huge chunk of time.

Just a few minutes each day are enough to reap the benefits.

Mindful breathing exercise

​Mindful breathing

​Perhaps the easiest of the mindfulness exercises to get started with

About the author

Paul Stokes

Paul Stokes BSc (Hons) is a Certified Personal Trainer, Accredited Sports Nutritionist, qualified Exercise to Music Instructor, Precision Nutrition coach, Massage Therapist and teaches 8 of the Les Mills Group Exercise programs.

He currently works in the Oil & Gas industry as a Wellness Coach, imparting his vast knowledge and experience to improve the quality of life of several hundred offshore workers.

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