So you want to look the best you can? Men's bodies come in all shapes and sizes. To really hone in and maximise your results, it's useful to know which male body type category you fall into. Firstly, you need to be realistic and account for your underlying body type and your current body shape. If you do this you'll be able you to select the most appropriate training options and goals. As a result, we can create the best possible conditions for getting results.
In this post I'll show guys how to take a realistic look at their bodies. Crucially, you'll be able to make the right training choices that will maximise training returns. Heed my advice and you will look and feel great.
What do we mean by body type?
Let's begin with body type. This is your genetically determined 'body'. That is to say, before its changed by fitness training or weight gain, for example.
Think back to your adolescence and how you looked.
If you were tall, well-muscled, lean with a narrow waist then chances are you're what's known as a mesomorph.
If you were rounder, heavier but well-muscled with a large frame then you're an endomorph.
Leaner, less muscled, lighter and wiry, then you're an ectomorph.
It's true that most men will be amalgamations of these three body types. For example, you may be an 'ecto-mesomorph', possessing dominant ectomorphy, but with mesomorphic traits.
Body type analysis provides a highly valuable starting point for identifying the best, results producing training for you. More about body analysis later too.
Your body type will influence how you shape up
Basically, mesomorphs and endomorphs respond well to weight training programmes designed to build muscle.
Ectomorphs will have more difficulty achieving the same goal. They have naturally fast metabolisms and less initial muscle mass. However, they'll probably have great CV potential, particularly for running.
Endomorphs and mesomorphs are also likely to have slower metabolisms and may gain weight more easily, in and much more likely out of training.
Understanding your body type will facilitate and inform your training. It will enable you to discover the best workouts for you.
Note: it is possible to train 'against' your body type. For example, a male with an ectomorphic body type can indeed build muscle. However, much more effort will be required to do so, compared to an endomorph. The gains made may also be lost more rapidly if a relevant workout programme is not maintained.
Male body type versus body shape
Body shape is not the same as body type.
Your body shape is determined by the training you do (or don't do). Similarly, what and how much you eat as well as your general lifestyle play important roles.
You can change your body shape through diet and workouts but your underlying body type remains the same.
Men and body image
A UK survey* revealed that 50 per cent of British men (that's around 10 million) describe themselves as 'fat' and want to shed a few pounds. To this should be added the fact that 1 in 6 UK guys are obese.
Like women, men can be embarrassed to show their bodies to their wives, girlfriends or partners; 25% of the guys in the survey felt self-conscious naked in front of their partner.
Furthermore, 1 in 4 admitted that they were uncomfortable undressing in gym changing rooms because they believed they didn't shape up. And alarmingly one in 10 also said they would consider having cosmetic surgery to get rid of their 'love-handles'.
The emphasis on the 'athletic/action hero physique' in the media has unsurprisingly had a huge effect on men. Many simply don't feel good enough.
In fact the survey found that a staggering 72 per cent believed that ads and magazine covers featuring chiseled guys made them feel insecure about their bodies.
*Survey commissioned by body composition equipment manufacturers Tanita
What do you need to do if you want to change the way you look?
Set realistic goals
If you've not trained for 10 years and are overweight then shaping up in two months is unreasonable.
Here's what you need to do to make your workouts as effective as possible:
Analyse your body type (see table below)
- Make your training goals reflective of your body type (and current shape) and crucially, SMART. Read more about setting SMART goals here
- Get yourself a personal trainer who understands your needs and who can devise a specific training (and nutrition) programme for your body type. Find one that has a similar body to yours - they should know how to train appropriately
- Persevere - your training adaptation will not come overnight. The journey will be more long haul that short hop. That being said, reaching the destination will make it well worth it
Male body types and their advantages and disadvantages for sport and fitness
Mesomorphs |
Body Characteristics |
Advantages for sports & fitness |
Potential Disadvantages |
Ectomorphs |
Body Characteristics |
Advantages for sports & fitness |
Potential Disadvantages |
Endomorphs |
Body Characteristics |
Advantages for sports & fitness |
Potential Disadvantages |