
October 30


Is your Lack of Confidence Stopping you from Going to the Gym?

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Have you ever struggled to get out the door and to a gym? Or did you get to the gym yet struggled to get going? If yes, then, you are not alone! Here I'm going to discuss some ways to build your confidence when at the gym so you can get up and get on with it.

Sometimes it is a challenge to leave the house to do that workout. We have all sorts of demands on our time and energy. Sometimes we even stop ourselves because of our fears. Fears about how out of shape or unfit we see ourselves as being. Or perhaps it's because we have other 'more important' things to do.


We all experience times when getting out the door and to the gym is challenging. This can be regardless of how experienced we are.

So this article will help you get out your door and into the gym. You'll find some strategies to overcome fears, build your confidence and tips to help you along the way.

What's stopping you, is it lack of confidence at the gym?

From a beginner to an experienced gym participant, we've all been challenged to get to the gym for a wide variety of reasons.

You might hesitate going because you are new and do not know what to do. Maybe you don't know how to use the equipment. Or maybe you feel you are out of shape as compared to your previous fitness levels.

Well, gym instructors are always on hand. They can introduce you to the gym and help you get familiar with the facilities and the equipment.

New members are generally shown around by a gym instructor.  They might ask you what your goals are, what you want to achieve and how often you intend to come to the gym. They then design a program and show you how to do each exercise.

What if you are an experienced gym participant yet have not attended in a while? Gym instructors can also help you get back on track by revisiting and re-designing your program.

Another thing you can do is to identify all the reasons why you are going. Make a list. Evaluate your reasons to determine what is stopping you. Then, ask yourself, what do you want instead? This can help you came up with solutions to those reasons.

Working through a checklist and gym plan can help build confidence

In addition to overcoming any fears about actually going to the gym, you can also build up greater confidence to help you get through the door.

Flex those gym confidence muscles

Confidence or lack thereof is another reason some people do not go to the gym. This is often based on past experiences and your own perception of how you 'measure up'.

You can, however, give yourself a boost of confidence and strengthen your overall confidence levels, just like you strengthen your body when you do exercise.

So, to start you strengthening those confidence muscles, reflect on recent successes and times when things went really well.

Or, imagine what it would be like to have great success? What contributed to your success? What factors made a difference? Why did you succeed?

Recognising what elements you have within your control means you can then re-create them again in whatever context you want that boost of confidence.

Take credit where credit is due, and let go of anything that is not within your control.

Another way to boost your confidence levels is through using visualisation exercises.

Watch Your Movie

You can boost your confidence levels and help you get through that door to do your workout by using a visualisation exercise which is just like watching a movie - where you are the director as well as the actor!

You imagine, in as much detail as possible, the scenario where you want more confidence, such as after your workout or after several weeks of regular exercise.

build confidence by visualising your own success at the gym

Watch yourself in the scene doing all the things you are doing as if with strong levels of confidence. What would you be doing? What would you be seeing and saying? How would you be now? How would you be feeling?

Then, whenever you feel you want to give yourself a boost, such as getting you out the door and to the gym, recall that movie!

Tips to build confidence and get through the gym doors

In addition to exploring any fears that might be stopping you and doing some confidence-building exercises, here are some tips to help you through those doors.

  • Make up your gym bag with everything you need and place it by the door. That way, it's ready to pick up and easy to simply head out and go.
  • Make arrangements to meet a friend to work out with, and treat it just like any other appointment you have.
  • Exchange gym bags with this friend so you both have to turn up as you will have each others' clothes.
  • Add variety to your exercise routine by doing different classes or different work­. Ask a gym instructor for some assistance on how you can add variety.
  • Bargain with yourself by saying that it is only for a quick workout. If you think that you are only going to do a 20-minute workout, it doesn't seem as challenging. Yet, you will often do morel

Focus on the afterwards

Another way to help yourself get out the door is to focus on the afterwards. Clearly knowing the reasons WHY you are doing the workout will help you to maintain whatever routine you set yourself.

These reasons are your motivating drivers. They can be the force that inspires you, excites you and creates the spark that makes you do what you do.

  • What will it mean to you to achieve the goal? Why is that significant?
  • What will happen when you get it? What will it look like? How will it feel? What will you see or hear?
  • How will achieving this goal affect other aspects of your life?
  • What will happen when you achieve your goal?
  • What will happen if you do NOT achieve your goal?

Reminding yourself, as often as need be, why you are doing something can contribute towards you actually getting out that door and doing your workout.

On a final note

Knowing that we all experience challenges of doing our exercise might prove some comfort knowing that you are not alone!

Whether it's the fear of not knowing what to do or comparing yourself to others, it's a question of focusing on all the benefits and the reasons why you want to go in the first instance.

Ensure that you remind yourself of these reasons every time you waiver about getting out to the gym and doing your workout.

Building your confidence in yourself also takes some practice, just like strengthening a muscle when you workout.

In addition to strengthening your physical muscles, you can also strengthen your confidence muscle.

Take time on a regular basis to reflect on your achievements and your successes and watching your movie.

It is important to appreciate that we all have fluctuations in getting out that door and exercising. However, applying some of the ideas outlined in this post may help you get out there with a renewed confidence and boost of enthusiasm.

Key Points to build confidence and get comfortable at the gym

Face Your Fears

Identify what is stopping you and examine them to determine whether they are just excuses or whether you can do something about them.

Increase Your Confidence

Reflect on past successes and experiences where you had great confidence. Give yourself a pat on the back and a boost of confidence.

Concrete Steps to Get You Going

Use some of the suggested tips to help you get through that door and to the gym!

About the author

Paul Stokes

Paul Stokes BSc (Hons) is a Certified Personal Trainer, Accredited Sports Nutritionist, qualified Exercise to Music Instructor, Precision Nutrition coach, Massage Therapist and teaches 8 of the Les Mills Group Exercise programs.

He currently works in the Oil & Gas industry as a Wellness Coach, imparting his vast knowledge and experience to improve the quality of life of several hundred offshore workers.

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